
Made by and for North Carolinians
We like calling North Carolina home, and we are honored to protect and serve our fellow North Carolinians. We understand the risks faced by the people in our state and the products required, which is why North Carolina is our sole focus.
Our Programs
Our Homeowner program provides property and liability coverage for owner occupied residences. Condominium and Secondary polices are also available in our Homeowner program.
Rural Homeowners
Our Rural Homeowner program is designed to provide coverage options for homeowners that have incidental farming activity when farming is not the business of the insured.
Our Renters program provides property and liability coverage for a tenant occupied apartment or rental dwelling.

Insurance Billing Options
Sign Up For AutoPay
Make bill paying easy with convenient, flexible payment options automatically deducted from your checking account or credit card, without late fees or installment plan fees.
Manual Pay
Manually paying your premium is as simple as selecting one of our billing schedule options and either mailing a check or paying online. Save money and avoid postal service delays by signing up for auto pay.